Governor Glenn Youngkin Signs 45 Bills Into Law

Governor Glenn Youngkin signs one of the 45 bills into law in his conference room in the Patrick Henry Building, Friday, Apr. 1, 2022. Official Photo by Christian Martinez, Office of Governor Glenn Youngkin.
RICHMOND, VIRGINIA – Governor Glenn Youngkin signed more than 40 bills into law Friday including legislation strengthening school safety audits, cutting fees for sportsmen, and establishing training for law enforcement to recognize signs of human trafficking.
“We are here to provide solutions to the problems that matter to Virginians and we are working everyday to serve our parents and students, veterans and law enforcement,” said Governor Youngkin. “I thank these bipartisan legislators for their ability to find common sense solutions for their constituents and the Commonwealth.”
Agriculture & Wildlife
HB 1224, sponsored by Delegate David Bulova, reduces regulatory burdens on best management practices (BMPs) for our farmers.
HB 463 &
SB 141, sponsored by Delegate Terry Austin and Senator John Edwards, removes the fee for state boat ramps.
HB 189 &
SB 509, sponsored by Delegate Michael Webert and Senator Richard Stuart, provides the right to propagate shellfish by whatever legal means necessary.
Veterans & Military
HB 17 &
SB 618, sponsored by Delegate Buddy Fowler and Senator Richard Stuart, clarifies that members of military color guards, honor guards, and veterans service organizations are exempt from the crime of unlawful paramilitary activity when the member is participating in training and education exercises, funerals, parades, or other public ceremonies
HB 540, sponsored by Delegate Danica Roem, extends driver’s licenses to accommodate for military deployments.
HB 120, sponsored by Delegate Scott Wyatt, reduces the fees for a lifetime hunting and fishing licenses for disabled veterans.
Public Safety
HB 748 &
SB 150, sponsored by Delegate Rob Bell and Senator John Edwards, modernizes the DNA data bank sample tracking system.
HB 907 and
SB 526, sponsored by Delegate Emily Brewer and Senator Louise Lucas, streamlines the permitting of battery-charged fence security systems.
HB 283 &
SB 467, sponsored by Delegate Emily Brewer and Senator Jill Vogel, establishing training standards for law enforcement to recognize, prevent, and report human trafficking.
HB 756 &
SB 614, sponsored by Delegate Les Adams and Senator Bill Stanley, provides Commonwealth’s Attorneys with more information to protect communities from violent criminals.
HB 342, sponsored by Delegate Marcus Simon, removes obsolete language related to teletype systems no longer used by Virginia State Police.
HB 67, sponsored by Delegate James Edmunds, provides for more road safety.
HB 179 &
SB 186, sponsored by Delegate Rob Bloxom and Senator Emmett Hanger, closes the loophole on farm use placards.
HB 667, sponsored by Delegate Will Wampler, designates “Staff Sergeant Darrell “Shifty” Powers Memorial Highway in the Town of Clinchco.
HB 703, sponsored by Delegate Mark Keam, grants localities the option to pay the fee associated for specialty license plates in lieu of the prepaid applications.
HB 1050, sponsored by Delegate Jay Leftwich, allows for an alternative driver’s license issuance ceremony.
HB 1363, sponsored by Delegate Terry Austin, designates Norvel Lafellette Ray Lee Memorial Highway in Botetourt County.
HB 741, sponsored by Delegate Rob Bell, requires local schools to create a detailed and accurate floor plan for school safety audits.
HB 246 &
SB 596, sponsored by Delegate Terry Kilgore and Senator Todd Pillion, allows for excused absences for students participating in 4-H education programs.
HB 1146, sponsored by Delegate Rob Bell, authorizes governmental entities such as community colleges to train and test for commercial driver’s licenses.
HB 418, sponsored by Delegate Karrie Delaney, streamlines the At-Risk Add-On program established by Section 22.1-199.1 of the Code of Virginia to remove a program which evidence shows does not addresses key deficits of struggling young readers.
Good Government
HB 449, sponsored by Delegate David Bulova, allows Virginia-licensed auctioneers or auction firms to transport distrained or levied-on personal property outside of the home locality.
HB 733 &
SB 316, sponsored by Delegate Rob Bell and Senator Dave Marsden, clarifies circumstances for the sharing of records for children receiving coordinated services.
HB 470 &
SB 197, sponsored by Delegate David Bulova and Senator Monty Mason, clarifies the powers of property owners associations.
HB 1019 &
SB 444, sponsored by Delegate Emily Brewer and Senator Jennifer Boysko, accelerates broadband deployment across state owned property.
HB 774 &
SB 499, sponsored by Delegate Keith Hodges and Lynwood Lewis, creates a task force to analyze the life cycle of renewable energy facilities.
HB 598, sponsored by Delegate Cliff Hayes, streamlines certification for surgical technologists.
HB 1345, sponsored by Delegat Matthew Fariss, adds Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters to the membership of the Virginia Transplant Council.
HB 555, sponsored by Delegate Cliff Hayes, allows health care providers to notify patients electronically of the transfer of patient records.
HB 738 &
SB 691, sponsored by Delegate Rob Bell and Senator Monty Mason, requires a court order of an evaluation of a defendant’s competency to stand trial to be provided to the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services
SB103, sponsored by Senator Lionell Spruill, Sr., supports economic development by updating provisions of the Shipping and Logistics Headquarters Grant Program that was originally established in 2021.
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