Strengthen the Spirit of Virginia
Strengthen the Spirit of Virginia
By virtue of the authority vested by the Constitution of Virginia in the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, there is hereby officially recognized:
Lights On Afterschool Day
WHEREAS, afterschool programs provide safe and engaging learning experiences; support working families by ensuring their children are safe and productive after school; build stronger communities by involving students, parents, business leaders, and adult volunteers in the lives of young people; and,
WHEREAS, afterschool programs promote positive relationships among youth, families, and adults while engaging families, schools, and community partners in advancing the welfare of our children; and,
WHEREAS, afterschool programs address the social and academic needs of youth by providing innovative, hands-on opportunities to engage in learning and connect with caring adults and peers in a safe and supportive environment; and,
WHEREAS, afterschool programs assist families and parents to remain in the workforce, provide for their families, and ensure their children’s safety without compromising their career goals; and,
WHEREAS, nearly 25 million families report that they would enroll their child in an afterschool program if one were available; and,
WHEREAS, many afterschool programs across the country are facing operating challenges so severe that they are forced to consider closing their doors and turning off their lights; and,
WHEREAS, Lights on Afterschool, the national recognition of afterschool programs, promotes the importance of quality afterschool programs in the lives of children, families, and communities; and,
WHEREAS, the Commonwealth of Virginia is committed to investing in the health and safety of all young people by providing expanded learning opportunities that help our children learn and grow in order to develop the skills essential for success in life and work;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Glenn Youngkin, do hereby recognize October 20, 2022 as LIGHTS ON AFTERSCHOOL DAY in the COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, and I call this observance to the attention of our citizens.